The Project

The LabEx G-EAU-THERMIE PROFONDE is a research program on deep geothermal energy founded by the French Ministry of Research and Education in the framework of the "Laboratories of Excellence" initiative.
The Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute for Geosciences for the Energy System Transition – ITI GeoT succeeds the LabEx for a new 2021-2028 period.

CDGP is set to archive the high quality data collected in the Upper Rhine Graben geothermal sites and to distribute them to the scientific community for R&D activities, taking Intellectual Property Rights into account.

CDGP is part of EPOS-IP Anthropogenic Hazards and provides Episodes. An Episode is a comprehensive data description of a geophysical (e.g. deformation) process, induced or triggered by technological activity, which under certain circumstances can become hazardous for people, infrastructure and environment.

The main actions of the CDGP

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