is a research program on deep geothermal energy founded by the French Ministry of Research and Education in the framework
of the "Laboratories of Excellence" initiative.
CDGP is set to archive the high quality data collected in the Upper Rhine Graben geothermal sites and
to distribute them to the scientific community for R&D activities, taking Intellectual Property Rights into account.
The Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute for Geosciences for the Energy System Transition – ITI GeoT succeeds the LabEx for a new 2021-2028 period.
CDGP is part of EPOS-IP Anthropogenic Hazards and provides Episodes. An Episode is a comprehensive data description of a geophysical (e.g. deformation) process, induced or triggered by technological activity, which under certain circumstances can become hazardous for people, infrastructure and environment.
CDGP in involved in the Geo-INQUIRE project.
Data available on the platform
Data distributed by the CDGP consist of seismological and hydraulic data that have been acquired during stimulation or circulation phases at Soultz-sous-Forêts pilot plant. They are gathered into "episodes": time-correlated collections of geophysical, technological and other relevant geo-data over a geothermal area. Other geophysical data (gravimetric, magnetic, InSAR) will be also inserted into the datastore in the future.
News and Agenda
New publication
In November, the CDGP team attended the 2nd annual meeting of the European Geo-INQUIRE project in Poland
Read (in french) the Lettre de l'EOST (October), which mentions the mid-term evaluation of ITI-GeoT
Read (in french) the special issue of the Lettre de l'EOST (June) on one of the projects coordinated by ITI-GeoT, the PEPR "Rhine Graben" project, and on the Seismo-Stammtisch as part of the ANR PrESENCE project
New datasets available !
Access to GNSS data; Obsnef sites and data availabilty (heatmap). Data available from Episodes (continuous data)
Catalogue with hydraulic data from Drif et al.(2024) related to Soultz-sous-Forêts 1993 Stimulation have been published on the platform. (Published on 07 May 2024 )
Datasets related to development Episodes of Rittershoffen (2012-2014) and Vendenheim (2016-ongoing) have been published on the platform.
New datasets available on the EPOS TCS-AH platform!
Datasets related to stimulation Episodes in 2004 and 2005 are added to the TCS-AH platform. Episodes from 1993, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005 are now available.